Holme Junior & Infant School


Meet our key safeguarding staff in school...

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mr Damien Bond
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mr Damien Bond
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Bethany Wood
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Bethany Wood
Designated Safeguarding Governor - Mrs Miriam Thomas
Designated Safeguarding Governor - Mrs Miriam Thomas

If you have any concerns please speak to a member of our safeguarding team. 

Safeguarding at Holme

Holme Junior & Infant School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

We ensure that all staff undertake statutory safeguarding training to ensure that we are up to date with all developments. We have policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our child protection and safeguarding policy which can be viewed in the policies section of our school website. Our safeguarding policies and procedures seek to ensure that every child, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation, has a right to equal protection from harm.

In order to ensure that record keeping is formal and systematic, we have invested in CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System) which allows us to monitor a range of safeguarding incidents and concerns across school. CPOMS allows our safeguarding leads to act quickly, easily and above all else securely record all of the information regarding safeguarding incidents in one secure place. The chronology around a child is built automatically and trends are much easier to spot than they would be through a paper system. Members of staff from across school can add information to CPOMS allowing Senior Leaders to take appropriate action thereafter. 

Site Security

The external doors are locked when the children have entered the school building in the morning and the afternoon.

A parent/carer who needs to collect a child during the school day, for whatever reason, is required to report to the school office where the child will be signed out, so we know the whereabouts of all our pupils. Your child will be collected from the classroom for you. If the pupil returns within the school day, they must report to the school office with their parent/carer to be signed back in.

All visitors to school are signed in and out of the school building.

Safeguarding Review

On 2nd November 2022 we commissioned a safeguarding review of systems and procedures at Holme. The review was conducted by Michelle Stephenson and Maxine Wood, Safeguarding Officers for Kirklees Schools and Learning. They spent time in school in November and subsequently Michelle revisited us in March. During the day in school they looked at our school policies, systems, as well as speaking to Mr Bond, the staff, our Safeguarding Governor Mrs Thomas and groups of children. We are pleased to inform you that the review went well. We were rated green in key areas meaning we are compliant. Ultimately our pupils state they feel safe inside school and when they are accessing outdoor play. 

If you have concerns...

If you think a child in Kirklees is being abused or mistreated or you have concerns about a child's wellbeing or need advice and support about a child with a disability you should call and speak to someone on one of the following numbers:

All calls concerning worries about children are treated seriously. You will be asked where the child lives and who looks after the child. Enquiries will be made and if it is found that a child is being abused or is at risk of significant harm professionals will work together with the family to ensure that the child is protected. 

Recent Safeguarding Training, Meetings and Updates

DSL Team Meeting: Half Termly

Basic Safeguarding Training (Whole Staff and Governors): September 2024

Whole School Prevent Training: October 2023

Safeguarding Meeting Attendance

Autumn 1 - 29th October 2024 - Mr Bond and Miss Wood

Autumn 2 - 27th November 2024 - Mr Bond and Miss Wood

Safeguarding Governor Meeting Attendance

Autumn - 22nd October 2024 - Mr Bond and Mrs Thomas

Safeguarding Policies

Coming Soon...

Safeguarding Training

The image below is for direct access to the Kirklees Safeguarding website where training can be accessed and knowledge and understanding refreshed.