Holme Junior & Infant School

Meet the Governors

Our Governing Body

On behalf of the Governors, I would like to welcome you to our school website. We hope you find it easy to use and that it gives you a small insight into the many things that we have to offer to both you and your children.

The Governors meet half termly to discuss many things, in particular school strategy and policies.  I personally like to come into school in between meetings to be involved in the day-to-day life of the school and see all of the wonderful things the children are doing and learning.

Our aim as the Governing body is to provide a safe and caring environment where children are encouraged and challenged to meet their full potential.  

We are proud of our School and feel privileged to support Damien Bond and the staff in delivering a varied and stimulating education for our children.  We also work closely with 'Friends of Holme School' PTA and love to hear suggestions from the children's run School Council. 

Thank you

James Piggott

Chair of Governors 

What School Governors Do

School governing bodies are made up of people from school communities who want to make a positive contribution to children's education.

Every school has a governing body. They work with the Headteacher to set the future direction for the school and decide how the school spends its budget. They are responsible for making sure the school provides good quality education and for raising pupils’ attainment by:

  • setting strategic direction
  • ensuring accountability
  • monitoring and evaluating school performance
  • acting as a critical friend

Governors govern rather than manage. Their role is one of direction and focus; they make decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, school policies, and the school's development plan. As well as providing support and advice to the Headteacher, their role is to challenge the Headteacher by gathering views and asking searching questions to make sure that any decisions taken are in the best interest of the school.

Governors report to parents on the school's achievements and respond to inspection recommendations. They also hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints.

Overall Responsibilities of the Governing Body

School Governors at Holme Junior & Infant School are appointed to provide: 

  • strong links between the school, parents and the community
  • a wide experience of the outside world 
  • an independent view 
  • a visible form of accountability for the Headteacher and staff of the school 
  • a team focusing on long term development and improvement 
  • accountability to the parents and the community for the use of resources and standards of teaching and learning in the school
  • support for the Headteacher and staff

In addition, individual governors will usually be involved in some of the following activities often through groups or committees which report back to the main Governing Body.

  • School development plan
  • Headteacher performance management
  • School profile 
  • Staff appointments 
  • The financial management of the school 
  • Pupil discipline 
  • The curriculum 
  • The training of governors 
  • Community links 

Governing bodies are the strategic planners of schools. In order to do this a governing body: 

  • has an operational manager (the Headteacher) who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school
  • agrees on policies and practice which allows the Headteacher the necessary tools to carry out their responsibilities
  • agrees on principles and targets for improvement
  • reviews long-term resourcing needs
  • supports and challenges the Headteacher
  • receives and discusses reports on the resulting practice and conduct of the school
  • reviews its own working practices, including using self-evaluation forms 
The Register of Interests

From 1st September 2015, governing bodies of local authority maintained schools in England are required to publish on their website their register of interests.

The register meets statutory requirements by setting out the relevant business interests of our Governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern.  The register includes details of any relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.


The Governing Body Committees

The Governing Body has two committees that meet every half term. These are full governing body meetings and meetings of the finance committee. The Standards, Curriculum and Effectiveness committee meet on a termly basis. Each committee has individual terms of reference which provide clear details of what the committee’s responsibilities are.

In order to comply with the DfE’s republished statutory guidance in March 2015 which stipulates new requirements regarding the publication of Governor’s details, the Governing Body Committee List shows details of the committees and the Governors that have been appointed on each committee. In addition this list gives details regarding our Link Governors and their subject area.


The Governing Body Constitution

In March 2015, the DfE republished statutory guidance on “The constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools. The guidance stipulates new requirements regarding the publication of Governor’s details. The statutory guidance, which Governing Bodies must have regard to, stipulates that;

Governors hold an important public office and their identity should be known to their school and wider communities. Governing Bodies should therefore publish on their website information about their members.

In order to comply with this latest guidance the Governing Body Constitution Document shows details of the names of our Governors, the category they have been appointed under, their term of office and gives details regarding their voting rights within Governing Body meetings.


Governor Attendance

From 1 September 2015, governing bodies of local authority maintained schools in England are required to publish on their website details of Governors attendance records at governing body and committee meetings over the last academic year.

In line with recommended guidance the records are updated every September. The records were last updated in September 2024 and contain information from 1st September 2022 to 31st August 2024.  These records will be reviewed and updated in September 2025.



Governor Pen Portraits
James Piggott, Chair of Governors
James Piggott, Chair of Governors

Link Governor:

Mrs Broughton - Maths, History


I moved to Holme with my wife in 2021 and am delighted to be able to contribute to the life of this school and the wider village community as a governor. My first primary school (many moons ago!) was also a village school with just two classes.
I retired in 2021 as an in-house lawyer in the higher education sector, where I advised on a wide range of legal and governance matters and took a particular interest in issues around equality, diversity and inclusion as well as safeguarding.
Retirement has given me the chance to pursue a number of interests but especially walking in our fantastic surroundings. I enjoy most sports and am an active member at St David’s church in Holmbridge.

Appointed By: Co-opted

Date of Office: 2nd February 2022

Term of Office: 1st February 2026

Dawn Smith
Dawn Smith

Link Governor:

Mr Bond - Computing


Having completed an Engineering Degree at Huddersfield University, Dawn stuck around the Holme Valley, working within textile manufacturing companies producing fine worsted cloth for the global marketplace. With involvement at Director Level for over 20 years, Dawn’s strengths are in budgetary control, personnel management and production flow.

Dawn’s three children have all come to Holme School – her eldest two, now having moved onto Holmfirth High School and her youngest child being in Year 6.

Appointed By: Local Authority Governor

Date of Office: 23rd July 2024

Term of Office: 22nd July 2028

Damien Bond, Headteacher
Damien Bond, Headteacher


I have been working in education for over 20 years since 2001. During this time I have worked in and taken on various roles and responsibilities from being a Teaching Assistant to being a Headteacher in primary and middle schools. I have worked in four local authorities during my career and I am proud to return to where it all began in Kirklees.

I am a family man and live with my wife, two primary school aged daughters and our two dogs Ember and Hugo. 

I am proud to be Headteacher at Holme School. I love the community spirit and was honoured to be asked to become a Trustee of the local Community Centre. 

Beyond my work life I like to travel and have an interest in technology.

Appointed By: Virtue of Office

Date of Office: 1st September 2022



Max King
Max King

Chair of Finance Committee

Link Governor:

Miss Devlin - Finance, GDPR, First Aid, Health and Safety, EVC


Max is a parent governor and sits on the finance committee. He has two boys attending the school. 

Max is a Director at a Property Development company delivering regeneration projects in disadvantaged areas. He has worked in the finance, construction and housing sectors for the past 25 years holding senior positions at global surveying practises and one of the big four accountancy firms. 

As well as being an active member of the local community and a number of charitable projects, Max is an outdoor enthusiast and has Governor interest in the schools outdoor learning activities

Appointed By: Parents

Date of Office: 25th March 2021

Term of Office: 24th March 2025

Sharon Crosland
Sharon Crosland


I was born and brought up in the Holme Valley and currently live in Holmfirth. I have two children who attended Netherthong Primary School and then Holmfirth High School and Greenhead College. In my day job I am a governance and risk professional, responsible for our corporate governance and compliance as well as our corporate social responsibility and conduct programmes. I spent 30+ years working in the civil service on various social policy and project roles including work with then the DfEE. I am currently Head of Governance and Legal Services at MyCSP a co-owned business. I have 4 years experience of being a governor at another school.

Appointed By: Co-opted

Date of Office: 22nd November 2022

Term of Office: 21st November 2026

Miriam Thomas
Miriam Thomas

Chair of Curriculum, Standards and Effectiveness Committee

Link Governor: 

Mrs Guest - SENCo, Art, Music

Miss Wood - EYFS, English, DT



I have been a teacher for thirty years. My most recent role was as SENDCo at Holmfirth High School where I was also the designated teacher for children who are looked after and part of the safeguarding team. As the parent of two sons who attended local junior schools before moving on to Holmfirth High School I am very aware of how important our schools are to the local community.

Now retired from teaching I am keen to remain involved in supporting children and I am delighted to be able to have the opportunity to do this as a governor at Holme Junior and Infant School. I am passionate about the provision of an excellent educational experience for all pupils so that they can thrive and become their best selves.

Appointed By: Co-opted

Date of Office: 2nd February 2022

Term of Office: 1st February 2026

Bethany Wood
Bethany Wood



I have worked at Holme School for over 3 years. During this time I have worked across school from EYFS right up to Year 6. I love working at Holme School and being part of the Holme family. 

Before becoming a teacher, I worked in Graphic Design and also Enterprise education.

Beyond my work life I love to read, be creative and also travel especially to Europe and India. I have a little boy and we live in the Holme Valley.

Appointed By: Staff

Date of Office: 24th October 2023

Term of Office: 23rd October 2027

How to contact our Governing Body

If you would like to contact any member of the Governing Body please send an e-mail or letter marked for the attention of The School Governors:

Holme Junior & Infant School

Meal Hill Road




E-Mail: james.piggott@holmejischool.co.uk 

Alternatively, you can contact Kirklees Governor Services

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